Quartz.Extensions.DependencyInjectionopen in new window provides integration with Microsoft Dependency Injectionopen in new window.


Quartz 3.1 or later required.


You can add Quartz configuration by invoking an extension method AddQuartz on IServiceCollection. The configuration building wraps various configuration properties with strongly-typed API. You can also configure properties using standard .NET Core appsettings.json inside configuration section Quartz.


Quartz.Extensions.Hosting allows you to have a background service for your application that handles starting and stopping the scheduler.

Example appsettings.json

  "Logging": {
    "LogLevel": {
      "Default": "Information",
      "Microsoft": "Warning",
      "Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime": "Information"
  "Quartz": {
    "quartz.scheduler.instanceName": "Quartz ASP.NET Core Sample Scheduler"

DI aware job factories

Quartz uses Microsoft's DI construction by default and the jobs produced by the default job factory are scoped jobs.

Job instance construction

By default Quartz will try to resolve job's type from container and if there's no explicit registration Quartz will use ActivatorUtilities to construct job and inject it's dependencies via constructor. Job should have only one public constructor.

Persistent job stores

The scheduling configuration will be checked against database and updated accordingly every time your application starts and schedule is being evaluated.


When using persistent job store, make sure you define job and trigger names for your scheduling so that existence checks work correctly against the data you already have in your database.

Using API to configure triggers and jobs without explicit job identity configuration will cause jobs and triggers to have different generated name each time configuration is being evaluated.

With persistent job stores it's best practice to always declare at least job and trigger name. Omitting the group for them will produce same default group value for every invocation.

Example Startup.ConfigureServices configuration

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
    // base configuration from appsettings.json

    // if you are using persistent job store, you might want to alter some options
    services.Configure<QuartzOptions>(options =>
        options.Scheduling.IgnoreDuplicates = true; // default: false
        options.Scheduling.OverWriteExistingData = true; // default: true

    services.AddQuartz(q =>
        // handy when part of cluster or you want to otherwise identify multiple schedulers
        q.SchedulerId = "Scheduler-Core";

        // we take this from appsettings.json, just show it's possible
        // q.SchedulerName = "Quartz ASP.NET Core Sample Scheduler";

        // these are the defaults
        q.UseDefaultThreadPool(tp =>
            tp.MaxConcurrency = 10;

        // quickest way to create a job with single trigger is to use ScheduleJob
        // (requires version 3.2)
        q.ScheduleJob<ExampleJob>(trigger => trigger
            .WithIdentity("Combined Configuration Trigger")
            .WithDailyTimeIntervalSchedule(x => x.WithInterval(10, IntervalUnit.Second))
            .WithDescription("my awesome trigger configured for a job with single call")

        // you can also configure individual jobs and triggers with code
        // this allows you to associated multiple triggers with same job
        // (if you want to have different job data map per trigger for example)
        q.AddJob<ExampleJob>(j => j
            .StoreDurably() // we need to store durably if no trigger is associated
            .WithDescription("my awesome job")

        // here's a known job for triggers
        var jobKey = new JobKey("awesome job", "awesome group");
        q.AddJob<ExampleJob>(jobKey, j => j
            .WithDescription("my awesome job")

        q.AddTrigger(t => t
            .WithIdentity("Simple Trigger")
            .WithSimpleSchedule(x => x.WithInterval(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10)).RepeatForever())
            .WithDescription("my awesome simple trigger")

        q.AddTrigger(t => t
            .WithIdentity("Cron Trigger")
            .WithCronSchedule("0/3 * * * * ?")
            .WithDescription("my awesome cron trigger")

        // you can add calendars too (requires version 3.2)
        const string calendarName = "myHolidayCalendar";
            name: calendarName,
            replace: true,
            updateTriggers: true,
            x => x.AddExcludedDate(new DateTime(2020, 5, 15))

        q.AddTrigger(t => t
            .WithIdentity("Daily Trigger")
            .WithDailyTimeIntervalSchedule(x => x.WithInterval(10, IntervalUnit.Second))
            .WithDescription("my awesome daily time interval trigger")

        // also add XML configuration and poll it for changes
        q.UseXmlSchedulingConfiguration(x =>
            x.Files = new[] { "~/quartz_jobs.config" };
            x.ScanInterval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2);
            x.FailOnFileNotFound = true;
            x.FailOnSchedulingError = true;

        // convert time zones using converter that can handle Windows/Linux differences

        // auto-interrupt long-running job
        q.UseJobAutoInterrupt(options =>
            // this is the default
            options.DefaultMaxRunTime = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5);
            triggerConfigurator => triggerConfigurator
                .WithSimpleSchedule(x => x.WithIntervalInSeconds(5).RepeatForever()),
            jobConfigurator => jobConfigurator
                .UsingJobData(JobInterruptMonitorPlugin.JobDataMapKeyAutoInterruptable, true)
                // allow only five seconds for this job, overriding default configuration
                .UsingJobData(JobInterruptMonitorPlugin.JobDataMapKeyMaxRunTime, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5).TotalMilliseconds.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)));

        // add some listeners

        // example of persistent job store using JSON serializer as an example
        q.UsePersistentStore(s =>
            s.PerformSchemaValidation = true; // default
            s.UseProperties = true; // preferred, but not default
            s.RetryInterval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(15);
            s.UseSqlServer("sql-server-01", sqlServer =>
                sqlServer.ConnectionString = "some connection string";
                // this is the default
                sqlServer.TablePrefix = "QRTZ_";
            s.UseClustering(c =>
                c.CheckinMisfireThreshold = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(20);
                c.CheckinInterval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10);

 // we can use options pattern to support hooking your own configuration
 // because we don't use service registration api,
 // we need to manually ensure the job is present in DI

  .Configure<IOptions<SampleOptions>>((options, dep) =>
   if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(dep.Value.CronSchedule))
    var jobKey = new JobKey("options-custom-job", "custom");
    options.AddJob<ExampleJob>(j => j.WithIdentity(jobKey));
    options.AddTrigger(trigger => trigger
     .WithIdentity("options-custom-trigger", "custom")

    // Quartz.Extensions.Hosting allows you to fire background service that handles scheduler lifecycle
    services.AddQuartzHostedService(options =>
        // when shutting down we want jobs to complete gracefully
        options.WaitForJobsToComplete = true;