3rd party packages that have integration with the Quartz.Net Library


AppAny.Quartz.EntityFrameworkCore.Migrationsopen in new window

This library handles schema creation and migrations for Quartz.NET using EntityFrameworkCore migrations toolkit with one line of configuration

Weasel.Quartzopen in new window

Runtime PostgreSQL migration support for non-EF & Marten projects.

Database Implementations

Quartz.NET-RavenDBopen in new window

JobStore implementation for Quartz.NET scheduler using RavenDB.

QuartzRedisJobStoreopen in new window

A Quartz Scheduler JobStore using Redis via C#

The project was a ported version of quartz-redis-jobstore (https://github.com/jlinn/quartz-redis-jobstoreopen in new window), currently it lacks of supporting redis-cluster. It uses StackExchange.Redis as the redis client.

Quartz.NET-CosmosDBopen in new window

JobStore implementation for Quartz.NET scheduler using Microsoft Azure CosmosDb.

Quartz.NET-MongoDBopen in new window

JobStore implementation for Quartz.NET scheduler using MongoDb.

Dependency Injection

Autofac.Extras.Quartzopen in new window

Autofac integration package for Quartz.Net.